Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
685303337 Location 685303365 Wellhead sign.142342 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 685303366 Stained soil at muffler.467310 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 685303367 Stained soil at wellhead.393713 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 685303368 Stained soil at separator.375096 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 685303369 Stained soil at base of tank.401602 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 685303370 Debis in fence and backside of tank.388799 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 401311578 INSPECTION SUBMITTED116453 06/17/2017 Download
685303337 Location 685303337 INSPECTION APPROVED116564 06/24/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401358935 FIR RESOLUTION SUBMITTED92976 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401337056 Fence after debris removed243731 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401337062 Produced water tank284180 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401337064 Muffler636089 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401337068 separator511271 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401337075 wellhead 1286422 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Operator 401337080 wellhead 2262727 07/11/2017 Download
685303337 Location 401337015 FIR RESOLUTION FORM99704 07/31/2017 Download