Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
01105051 Wells 574837 sundry notice38678 09/15/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574822 verbal request23047 11/29/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574824 correspondence20467 05/03/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574831 plugging record46826 07/24/1961 Download
01105051 Wells 574835 notice of intention to drill39192 12/21/1959 Download
01105051 Wells 574827 drilling status60052 04/15/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574833 well completion75205 04/22/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574829 correspondence21401 04/14/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574818 well site inspection form27446 07/24/1961 Download
01105051 Wells 574826 correspondence19174 04/25/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574820 correspondence47296 03/15/1961 Download
01105051 Wells 574839 sundry notice42982 05/03/1960 Download
01105051 Wells 574819 correspondence14874 05/12/1961 Download
01105051 Well Logs 1669417 INDUCTION-ELECTRICAL LOG  01/20/1960 Download