Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
150212 Facilities 802086 Monthly Reports of Fluids Injected67011 02/01/1993 Download
06705229 Wells 561652 Change of Operator41525 02/01/1993 Download
10706142 Wells 219921 certification of clearance44042 02/01/1993 Download
08106790 Wells 159328 well site inspection29683 02/01/1993 Download
12315536 Wells 171778 well completion85069 02/01/1993 Download
06906077 Wells 240033 certification of clearance43662 02/01/1993 Download
10309106 Wells 620454 sundry37600 02/01/1993 Download
12314483 Wells 134695 certification of clearance46994 02/01/1993 Download
06106633 Wells 626810 sundry notice51259 02/01/1993 Download
12316788 Wells 587749 topo map90622 02/01/1993 Download
06905107 Wells 239977 certification of clearance42181 02/01/1993 Download
12311993 Wells 586884 application for permit37621 02/01/1993 Download
12316176 Wells 648415 well completion84893 02/01/1993 Download
06905134 Wells 268832 certification of clearance50430 02/01/1993 Download
12314665 Wells 113741 certification of clearance45787 02/01/1993 Download
10706087 Wells 269263 change of transporter44730 02/01/1993 Download
12507411 Wells 335109 sundry notices35785 02/01/1993 Download
10308688 Wells 597209 sundry38725 02/01/1993 Download
06707867 Wells 564234 sundry37900 02/01/1993 Download
12316138 Wells 611459 certification of clearance45356 02/01/1993 Download
06707857 Wells 617317 sundry39269 02/01/1993 Download
00706123 Wells 633008 bradenhead test report52656 02/01/1993 Download
12316228 Wells 664214 well completion78534 02/01/1993 Download
06905115 Wells 237318 certification of clearance46907 02/01/1993 Download
12316139 Wells 611706 well completion79804 02/01/1993 Download